A New Hope

We've been watching a lot of Star Wars around here lately so it seemed appropriate to use the subtitle of Episode IV for this entry. 'A new hope for what?' you may ask. Oh, so many things! I think it may call for a list - start as you mean to go on, I say!

- a healthy and happy family. Too much in the way of illness in this house since Hallowe'en, so I shun the germs! They will not be welcome here!

- a less frantic daily life. Hey, if you set your goals too low you'll have them all achieved by the end of January!

- a storage system that will make all the toys that just arrived here seem almost invisible!

- children and a husband who appreciate said storage and use it appropriately and regularly!

- more regular blogging. Posting and reading. I do love my little windows into the lives of other people I know/admire/aspire to be like etc. And I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but I am going to try to blog a couple of times a week. Shocking, I know!

- a beautiful and complete photography website. It's actually first on my new year to-do list.

- more time to be creative. Not that I'm not creative with my photography, but I want to scrap more. Seriously more!

- an organised and functional studio for aforementioned creativity.

- greater muscle tone that I presently possess. Again, setting those goals high!!

- more laughter. Lots and lots of it all the time. Especially with my family. Must laugh more.

- a greater ablity to let go, go with the flow and generally relax a bit. My mum will probably die with laughter when she reads this bit, but I shall rise above that and not stress about what she is thinking! Going with the flow right there!

So that's probably plenty to be getting on with, I should think. I have lots of other personal goals and ambitions for the year, but I don't want to scream them to the world in case I don't achieve them or change my mind about them. And anyway, if you don't have a few secrets, well, life might be pretty boring!

As a finish to my new year post I am going to post just a couple of photos I've been meaning to/unable to post of late. No reason behind them except to prove that I was alive and well in December!


Taken in Eden Pottery, a local pottery where you can make your own bits and pieces. Had such a lovely start to December here with the girls. Also took Patrick to make presents for his teachers - the cutest thing ever! Will post from that later.


A rather rare shot of me! And the fabulous dish I made. One of 3 items from that trip!


The work in progress!


Very cute baby toes poking through the most beautiful crocheted blanket.  And the owner of the toes...


And with that I wish you a very happy new year x