Janine Boyd Photography

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Tonight I am counting as blessings the numerous irritating aspects of being a mum to two very active boys. I am so blessed to get to wipe bottoms and clean noses about a thousand times a day, and to be able to tidy their toys and worry about the fact that they haven't eaten properly for 2 days. I am so thankful for the tantrums and tears and the number of times I nearly break my ankle each day on some toy left lying around.

I am thankful for this and so much more.

In the early hours of this morning, a friend of a friend gave birth to her son, Finn, at 30 weeks. He died at teatime tonignt. This was their second baby. Their first, a girl, was stillborn at 38 weeks just over a year ago. If you are at all inclined to pray for them, I know your prayers will strengthen them and give them peace.

I'm going now to look at my angels sleeping for a bit.


