The Bolands

I am pretty lucky to have some really great people in my life, and some of them arrived in a sort of roundabout way. My friend Jo, is married to an old friend of my husband, but we've struck up a unique connection over the years. We've shared losses, laughs and had many an adventure with (and without) our boys. We've even managed to meet up wearing exactly the same top, shoes and earrings!Last year, I persuaded Jo to let me take photos of her with her boys in the Titanic Quarter of Belfast, and we had such a great time. From our iconic cranes, Samson and Goliath, to the quirky industrial buildings, from historic boats to the incredible Titanic Museum, there is just so much good stuff to photograph. And when you add good friends into the mix, it's a great combination!These are just a few of the highlights of our shoot around the area.Such a seriously cool location for photos! If you're thinking of updating your own family photos over the spring, I'd love you to give me a shout by clicking on the contact form at the top of the page. Or you can find me on my Facebook page over there on that tab on the left!