Abraham :: a newborn session

Sometimes it's true that a photograph speaks a thousand words. I'm going to let these photos speak for themselves, save to say that I've known Aly for many years and am lucky to count her amongst my close friends. And that makes a photo shoot very special. I've photographed all 3 of her boys as newborns, we've bemoaned and celebrated life as mums of boys, we've shared dreams and a lot of coffee and I love them all to bits! Her husband's pretty ok too!Anyway, this session took place when Abraham was one whole week old, the kids were running around, there had been one bloody nose (dad!) before I even arrived, and Aly was swanning around looking fabliss as always! And that is exactly my favourite way to shoot - in the midst of the crazy, wonderful mess that is life.Abe newborn_0001Abe newborn_0002Abe newborn_0003Abe newborn_0004Abe newborn_0005Abe newborn_0006Abe newborn_0007Abe newborn_0008Abe newborn_0009Abe newborn_0010Abe newborn_0011Abe newborn_0012Abe newborn_0013Abe newborn_0014Abe newborn_0015Abe newborn_0016Abe newborn_0017Abe newborn_0018Abe newborn_0019Abe newborn_0020Abe newborn_0021Abe newborn_0022Abe newborn_0023Abe newborn_0024Abe newborn_0025Abe newborn_0026Abe newborn_0027Abe newborn_0028Abe newborn_0029Abe newborn_0030Abe newborn_0031Abe newborn_0032Abe newborn_0033Abe newborn_0034Abe newborn_0035Abe newborn_0036Abe newborn_0037 If you'd like the crazy of your life documented, please give that contact button up there a push and we can make that happen!