lately in photos

I'm not one for resolutions, but each year I like to choose a word that I'm going to focus on and allow myself to be inspired by. This year my word is *achieve*. I thought I might as well set the bar high!There are so many things I hope to achieve this year, from doing an open sea swim to reading 50 books. But one thing I really want to achieve is more focus on my photography, both personally and professionally. I'd love to be able to do what I love full time and have myself a lovely creative little life (even with all the hard work that goes along with those sorts of dreams).So with that in mind, I've embarked on a bit of an Instagram journey. It's my all time favourite social media platform, so full of inspiring photos and lovely people and really just a jolly place to while away the hours! Through Instagram, I found the most beautiful feed from Emily Quinton, which led me to her website, Makelight, and her online courses. And then I enrolled in one to help me grow my business through the magic of Instagram! Look at me being all achieve-y!So to that end, I've begun a new gallery to tie in with my blog, client work and Facebook page. This week, I've spent some time working on my images to create the kind of gallery that I hope you and my clients would like to see. It's a bit of what my life looks like, what inspires me, things I find lovely and some images of my work. If you're on Instagram, I'd love you to come and have a look. You can find me @jblifedocumented. And if you're not, fear not! I've a few images from the last week to share with you here!It's been a week of books, cups of tea, walks and sitting by the fire. Obviously there's been a lot of other stuff but it doesn't look too pretty so I think it's better suited to not being photographed! I might even try and do this a bit more regularly, if having a nosey at my days wouldn't bore you to tears! The reading and a cup of something really does seem to be a recurring theme, doesn't it?! To which end, if you've any recommended reads to share with me I'd love to hear what they are. Just drop me a wee comment and I shall add them to my list for the year!