Janine Boyd Photography

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Me. Not the boys!

I've been having a bit of fun playing recently. I've completed some more layouts (new scanner not making me happy yet) and spent shocking amounts of time on flickr just checking out some of the images that have been uploaded there. You could seriously lose massive chunks of your life just trawling through there. Such good fun. Amazing inspiration. And as ever, inspired by Ali Edwards to create a mosaic with some of the images that have really caught my eye. I'm pretty sure I should mention who took these photos to avoid copyright issues (like any of them will ever be over here!) Top to bottom, left to right they are:

1. it rained, by teddy;   2. 37 / 52 value your time, by teddy;  3. daughter in the sun by she saw things;   4.Hello kitty by ya7obeelk   5. 02.08 Elena 244urban by emiliekarun    6. bridal shoes by gwynethcolleen  7. usage by moS 8. by rottnapple   9. Valentina Del Carmen bynRiot !


Just looking at this makes me a) want to take some pictures and b) feel pretty cool! Not as cool as I felt earlier when I saw that Ali Edwards had also commented on a photo of mine on flickr! Was positively giddy for the rest of the evening, with not a drop of wine in sight I may add!