
Last weekend was a busy few days in the vast metropolis that is Bangor, Northern Ireland. What with Olympic torches and Diamond Jubilee events galore there was barely a minute to spare. And guess what? It turns out I'm a sucker for big events that require me to dig deep and get in the spirit. Who knew?I know we are going to count it as a real privilege to have been able to see the Olympic torch being carried through our town at 7am on a cold June morning. And the whole event was made all the more memorable with the torch bearer being one of Priory Integrated's pupils - I'm going to hold my hands up now and admit to having made an utter idiot of myself yelling her name as she ran past, with maybe just a glimmer of a tear in my eye! But it couldn't be helped. This was a once in a lifetime experience, the kind I'd made Michael shun overtime to be part of. And you just know it's special when the big bus that comes in front of the torch declares "Moment to Shine"!The rest of Sunday was spent dealing with one particularly over-tired 6 year old via the age old methods of computer games and sugar! But it was essential that he be in fighting form for the special Jubilee family bbq on Monday because Diamond Jubilees are another "once in a lifetime" event that you have to make the most of.I'm not really a big follower of the royal family. Admittedly I sported spangly shoes and my mum wore a fancy hat at my sister's royal wedding party last year, but I don't think that makes me anything other than a right royal div! But there was something quite tangibly special about this past weekend. At the very least, 60 years in a high profile job is surely noteworthy. Particularly in a time when being a royal is more likely to come with scoffing than respect. And so I found myself getting a little carried away.While we had a small gathering planned for family and a few friends, a highlight for me was stumbling across a street party nearby. I spotted the bunting and balloons on my way home and had to stop for a nosey. Having my camera with me was a bonus, and so I snapped a few shots of their preparations before getting to chat with the organisers - the wonderful Jo and Laura. They had invited the entire immediate neighbourhood, including the residents of a Fold residential centre, for an afternoon tea complete with Best Hat competition. I was generously invited back in the afternoon to join the party and take a few photos of the guests in their finery, and it was quite simply the loveliest thing I have witnessed in a long time.I love the lady in that photo above - look how happy she is and how much fun she's having in her awesome hat! I hope when I'm her age I'm enjoying life as much. To see such a mix of people, old and young, families, couples and singles enjoying a jolly good knees up, in a country where differences have historically so often set us apart, was simply a joy to behold (insert small sparkle of tear in the eye here again!) And that's what made the Jubilee so special for me. At this point I felt the need to come home and print off some pretty Diamond Jubilee bunting and string it in a rather pathetic fashion along our hedge (see above) before changing into my red and white stripy t-shirt and faux diamond bracelet! I then toasted Her Majesty with some wine in a spiffing Jubilee paper cup. I am nothing if not classy!

cheers on a job well done, Ma'am!

The rest of our Jubilee day was spent in the fine company of our families - well those who haven't fled for warmer climes - and our lovely next door neighbours, before watching the spectacle of the concert organised by Gary Barlow The Marvellous. I'm pretty sure that's his actual name. If it's not, it should be!

I love this photo Patrick took of our reflections in the garage window - such a creative little soul!

And so concluded our Jubolympic weekend. A friend of mine used that amazing word on Instagram and I feel that it entirely sums up our weekend. A weekend full of entering into the spirit of things, of looking forward while being thankful for the past, and more than anything a weekend that left me feeling hopeful. Because if that gigantic table of people is anything to go by, there is more good than bad in the world. And that, my friends, gives me hope. I can only hope that you also had a spiffing weekend full of one sort of spirit or another! Now in the spirit of joyful tears I will leave you with the video from the aforementioned Mr Barlow and the Commonwealth Band - tear shedding is optional!

mini bucket list

I'm a big fan of Kelle Hampton and her blog. If you haven't read it before I strongly recommend getting yourself a large cup of tea/coffee/wine and plonking yourself down for a long read at her beautiful words and a look at her amazing photos of her girls. There's just so much to love about her blog. But one idea particularly struck me as a top notch beezer idea, and I really don't think she'd mind if I pinched it and shared it here!In this post she shared her ideas for a mini bucket list - things she hoped to achieve that week. Not just your average list, mind. No no no, this was to be a list of loveliness for all and sundry. And as a lover of both lists and loveliness, it seemed silly not to try it out for myself. And so I present to you my mini bucket list for this week.:: send a pamper parcel to a friend I haven't seen for a while.:: find a tasty new salad recipe and give it a whirl.:: go outside and soak up the sun while it lasts.:: make time for catching up with a friend I usually see fleetingly at school drop off.:: indulge myself in a little creative time just on my ownio in my study.:: maybe order some lovely things to make something lovely for a teeny tiny little girl I haven't yet met but who I love sooo very much already.:: finally make smoothies with the boys.:: say 'yes' more often and 'no' a bit less (within reason, obviously!)I'm going to write that list into my special book for lists and enjoy myself immensely as I work my way through it and tick each item off! I'm keeping it shortish this week - I'm all about small achievable goals at the moment - and I shall share how I get on next week sometime. And what about your bucket list? Is there something you've always been meaning to do that you might just do this week? How lovely it would be if you joined me on this week of wonderful. In fact, I double dare you to do it! And don't forget to let me know how you get on!For now, I shall leave you with a few more photos of our sunny weekend - it full on rocked!I hope you've been making the most of the sunny days too!

in the blink of an eye...

...or so it would seem, I have big boys. Not small boys, despite what I might say in general conversation when asked if I have kids. I'm struggling to get my head around the fact that I have a 9 year old, but it's on the cards and the cards never lie. Never mind the pictures which are whispering that I have a very handsome 9 year old who is going to break many a heart (mostly mine I suspect) in the not too distant future!9 seems like such a very big age. It's the last single digit age. It's harder to find acceptably cool cards for the birthday boy. It's an age where this particular 9 year old has very clear ideas about what is cool or not, especially when it comes to hair and fashion (short hair, not long and chinos - tan or red - just in case you were wondering!) It's most definitely an age where Daddy is King and Mummy just trundles around in the background making life happen as 9 year olds would wish it!As all good parents should, we have done our best to instil an appreciation of that which is good, that is, products with fruit logos on them! Actually, that's not strictly true. The iPod touch has been requested time and again for a couple of years now and we've said no for a number of reasons. But I suppose, as with all things, there comes a time when there are fewer reasons not to do something than to do it, which is where we found ourselves at age 9. And so a new Apple product has joined the family! And boy has it ever been made to feel welcome!And while part of me is inwardly freaking out at another source of media to be monitored on a daily basis, the wiser part of me knows that all is well when a new cricket bat is greeted with such enthusiasm!And so the countdown to that double digit age has begun. In the interim I expect to encounter any or all of the following::: a hand that assumes the permanent shape of an iPod touch;:: much cricketing, especially now he's joined the local under 11 side;:: a lot of hair gel from the pound shop (it's the only way we could afford it!):: ongoing snuggles on the settee at the end of the day (this better feature or it's going to be a trickier year than anticipated!):: further bickering with the younger sibling;:: more lessons in disappointment as the love for Liverpool FC is unabated;:: magic tricks being fine tuned for anyone willing to participate;:: more independent fashion/hair/shoe choices;:: arguments over any of the above;:: to be further amazed by all that this boy does and by the fact that we actually made him!On which note I shall finish. Except to say that we also made this one - hard to believe there's a genetic link, really!


I'm posting again today with the lovely Aly, this month on the oh-so-important topic of home. I've been thinking a lot about home recently. I really like it there. Deep down I'm really quite the introvert. I recently confessed to my husband that I still feel totally out of place and uncomfortable in bars, especially the ones frequented by the trendy folk in town. I've never felt like I wear the right thing or have a cool enough hair do. Plus I'm really small and that just never helps in social situations in my experience! So when he asked me where I felt like I did fit in, the answer that fell out without so much as a thought was home.Which in turn led me to think about what I like so much about home and why I feel so good there. It didn't take me long to work out that my home is the one place that truly reflects all of who I am. There is so much of me in the way our home is organised and decorated and I love pretty much all of it. Nothing makes me happier than poring over home design books and magazines and then taking the best of what I've seen and using it to fit our family's needs and tastes. Our house is to me the equivalent of the coolest outfit a girl can throw together (I can't throw an outfit together for love nor money and am incredibly envious of my friends who can!) So I thought I'd share a little of what I love about home with you today.

wedding photo, cricket balls, war plane models and candle holders - I LOVE this combination!

football books and annuals with a permanent audience of minifigures...and a pirate sticker for good measure

this would be my shelf! interior design and craft books and just a smidgin of scrapbook for good measure

I love this view of our lounge with its colours and textures - it's the view that lets me relax and know I'm home when I come in from work.

I'd be pretty surprised to find a fossil in a rock alongside a lantern and a Lego Titanic on anyone else's fireplace - do tell me if I'm wrong!

I bought this for Michael at Christmas - it's his favourite movie and I love that I was clever enough to find something on Pinterest and then buy it! From Canada!

This is obviously just one room in our house, but it's probably the one that we spend the most time in together. It's where I blog, mark homeworks, watch TV, play games with the boys, read magazines and generally just live. It's me, in a nutshell. Cosy, comfortable and mostly organised. On this last note let me assure you that these photos belie the state of disarray in which one would often find this room. Even during a carefully planned photo shoot! The next two photos were taken immediately after all the ones above. They may not be my favourite pictures of the room, but they illustrate perfectly what I love about it most. Our life. Complete with Hot Wheels, empty cups, remote controls, glue and decks of cards!

I'd love to know what you love about your home. I've so enjoyed sharing this little corner of our home that I might share more of the rest of it in the future. I'm off now to read what Aly has written about home - it's a blog hop I would highly recommend!

a daily journey

I'm posting alongside my amazingly talented friend Aly again today. I love that we share a passion for creating, for trying to keep life as simple as possible, that her boys happily sport my boys' not totally knackered hand-me-downs, and that the world of blogging makes us both a little bit giddy! You should totally hop over to her blog for a read and a nosey at the thrifty, art-filled, tractor-infused fabulousness that is her life. I love that blogs give you permission to take a peek into the lives of others - it satisfies my nosey nature no end.This may also explain my love of other 'sneak peek' outlets too. I often lose track of how many times in the day I refresh my Instagram feed to see the newest batch of images from the people whose lives I 'follow'. And I will squint to read the journalling on layouts in any scrapbook magazines I read. I want to know the details, good or bad, to share a little of the journey the designers are on in their lives.A couple of months ago a lot of folk on Instagram were taking part in Ali Edwards' Day in the Life project, taking pictures of the little details of their day, chronicling the day's journey from start to finish. I'm totally inspired by this kind of documentation that records just the ordinary stuff - what you did, what you ate, chores, good things and not so good, TV you watched and so on. I would love to know how my grandparents spent their days when they were young and carefree, but now that I want to know, none of them are alive to tell me. I would hate for my grandchildren to find themselves in the same situation years from now so a few weeks ago I took the plunge and decided to collect a visual record of what the Boyds did with their day.My days are so often filled with routine, both in school and at home, that I'm often rushing from one thing to the next, keen to get the next item ticked off my list and move on that I sometimes forget to just stop and enjoy what I'm doing. I'm so focused on getting to the end of the day and assessing how much I've achieved that the process of simply living gets rather bypassed. I was hoping that this exercise would help me slow down and be part of life for a change. Focus more on the journey than the destination. I think it worked. I enjoyed the journey from morning to evening a little more than usual. Who knows - I may just do it again!I love the quote by Ernest Hemingway that the journey is more important than the destination. I can't help but think that this philosophy could make such a difference in people's lives if we all tried to enjoy where we are at just a little bit more and stopped trying to rush to the next part of life. I wonder what your journey looks like. Have you stopped to enjoy the view of right now recently? If you haven't, why not grab a cup of tea and a comfy seat and just take it in. In the words of the great Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

make do March

There is definitely something about the longer days and hope of a bit of sunshine that makes me want to clear out cupboards and drawers and cull the clutter a little more. You'll note that it's clearing out I want to do, not cleaning - I don't think I have a gene for that at all, apart from dusting Lego, but that would need a whole other post to explain!The combination of Christmas and a mid January birthday which spanned almost an entire month this year has inevitably meant that we've acquired more than our fair share of new toys and games. It feels like something new has come into our home every week since the end of December. And despite a clear out before the holidays it seems that there is stuff everywhere. Pens and pencils, bits of paper, Lego bricks and men, collector cards, books and comics vie for space on every surface of our house. And the most mind boggling thing of all is that we still want more! The boys want more Lego, I want new craft supplies, spring clothes and magazines, and even daddy yearns for a new hoodie or trainers. Surely there has to be some way to put an end to this constant need for more?The one thing I think we can afford to allow ourselves a little bit more of this month is contentment with what we have. Because apparently we have a ton of stuff!! And so I have declared this month, "Make Do March"! In honour of this post I took a little photo tour around the house to see if there is any need for more this month. I think not!

more than enough Lego!

plenty of magazine fodder

more t-shirts and football kits than you could shake a stick at!

we are good for wii games

the Amazon wishlist shall remain just that!

viewing material? check!

window shopping only for new scrap supplies!

8 days in to Make Do March I am happy to report that so far no one has died from being told no, they can't have whatever it is they want. In other good news, Lego which hasn't seen the light of day has been brought out from drawers and off shelves. And we have been witness to more new magic tricks than I would have thought possible! Who knew?!

Admittedly there are another 23 days to go, and I don't doubt that in that space of time Lego will have unleashed another A-MAZ-ING Ninjago character that will be the source of a major battle in the Ballyholme area. But for now I am happy with how we are going. I feel another clear out coming very soon, maybe even this weekend - I may have a couple of magazines from 2007 that I could let go! And I am pretty sure there are one or two things that could make it to the east to be further enjoyed by my other favourite pair of brothers. After that, who knows what could be dispensed with? I shall keep you posted!


Keeping it simple. That's something that's been on my mind a lot lately. How can I keep life simple? For me personally, for the boys, for us as a family. Because nothing seems to be simple anymore, despite what advertisers, the internet and social media websites tell us. There is more choice than I could possibly need, be it shoes, groceries, books, blogs or choclate.I don't really do well with choice. My sister will testify to this after countless shopping expeditions during which she produces many fabulous outfits, tops or accessories to be greeted with a lot of hmmming and haaaing on my part and ultimately no purchases at the end of the day. Choice complicates things, it doesn't make things simple at all.So in a world full of choices and where life is lived in full view of everyone via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, how is a girl meant to get back to simple? The weekend we spent at Bushmills over half term helped me to clarify this somewhat. To keep it simple you just strip away all the stuff that clutters life up and put what is left outside in the elements, give it a stick and a hat and then join in the fun.It turns out that I like the simple stuff best. Some time away with all my boys where we can just be ourselves, be free from obligations, be out there enjoying this amazing creation. It helps if there is no wifi or 3G to distract or complicate matters. And a glass of wine doesn't hurt! Slippers are optional.This post is part of an exciting little collaboration with my fabulous and super-inspiring friend. Aly Every month (or whenever the notion takes us) we will both post something based on a single word - who knows what might be up on Aly's blog right now?! I for one am hopping right over there to see what her thoughts on simple are. I really hope you follow the link and have a look too. I'd love to hear how you keep things simple, or if you like it all messy and complicated - do tell!

strange things are afoot at the desk in my study

I can't quite put my finger on when exactly it happened. It was quite a gradual thing. I didn't even really see it coming, to be honest. But after months of reading some of my favourite creative blogs, looking at amazing creations, layouts, photographs, recipes, I apparently reached my inspiration limit and managed to move myself off the settee and into the study (which I think henceforth should be known as the studio!) and began to create!My stash of supplies and tools welcomed me as a long lost friend. Patterned paper crawled out from its place of hibernation and began to bid for my attention. Such a warm welcome was it that I couldn't help myself - I grabbed a few photos (actually carefully chosen, edited and printed to size earlier that day - not so much of the spontaneous in me as I would have you believe), reached for the glue and started sticking photos and pretty paper together. It was cathartic, I tell you. And an actual barrel load of fun to boot!I don't know why I do this to myself, this self-inflicted absence from creating. It is so clearly a part of me that I should be tearing myself away from it to make the tea or clean the bathrooms instead of the other way around. In a bid to assist with this I am taking part in an online class to help me document my One Little Word this year. Don't let me mislead you into thinking that I am anything other than behind even at this early stage in the year, but at least it's a goal, and I am creeping slowly towards it.I'm not sure how much of it, if any, I'll post here, but I do have a couple of other little goodies up my sleeve for later this week. Exciting little ventures to get this blog going again and help me connect with my lovely readers, even if it is just the same people I chat with on instagram or facebook or my actual phone.Aside from other little projects, I also have a heap of photos from our weekend at the north coast over half term. A weekend of relaxing and spending time with my boys, away from work, boring jobs, shopping and even the internet - painful but necessary! The weather was shocking as it always seems to be when we go there, but after 4 years of staying in the same place we are well versed in how to dodge impending storms and appreciate the wonders of creation as much as humanly possible in 3 days! I will try to get some photos up in a few days, but as I was uploading them to the computer earlier this one caught my eye and had to be edited immediately.

taken at Dunseverick Harbour with Michael shouting at me not to go too far!

I actually think dramatic weather suits that coastline even better than sun - it's so ancient and mythical and majestic and awe-inspiring and never fails to take my breath away. I hope you pop back for a look at some more of it later in the week - it would be lovely to see you x

happy love

On this day of love I thought I'd share just a few of the things that have been making me happy of late. Apologies to any of you who have already seen these on Instagram, but it really is my latest love - I am quite obsessed! Making me happy ..:: birthday tophats:: my boys chilling together:: choppy seas:: new iphone cover - it's like having a whole new phone!:: amazing strawberry cheesecake cupcakes (from Sainsbury's coffee shop should you need one yourself!):: copious cups of tea:: some stunning sunsets:: Sherlock series one accompanied by wine and a roaring fire - actual bliss!Wishing you all much love and loveliness for what remains of this day of love xx

a boy and his Lego

I've been absent from this space for so long, and so much has happened in that time, that I hardly know where to begin with this post. I have struggled with what to write about, whether my words matter, whether my photos are good enough, and wondered if anyone really cares anyway. But over the past months as I have watched friends blog and make their way in this amazing world of online connections I have been encouraged that this is a world in which I belong. Ultimately it doesn't matter at all what words I speak here or how good my photos are. What matters is that this is my little place of internet fabulousness and if anyone chooses to come along for the ride, then it will be all the more fun!My absence, however, has not been merely one of just sitting around reading books and drinking tea. Well, maybe it has, just a little. It has also given me some time to mull over big questions I wasn't quite ready to mull over yet. Priorities have been shifted in a good way. Stock has been taken of the important things. Considerable amounts of wine and chocolate have been consumed for both physical and emotional benefits! Shed loads of young adult literature has been consumed in what one might almost call a bit of an obsession!If I've learned one thing in the midst of all that has happened, it is that people are what matter in this short space of time we have to share. Family and friends, their health and wellbeing - they matter more than all the mortgage worries, weight concerns and job securities put together. And realising this made me want to do more to spend time with those people, to really connect with them. Which in turn helped me decide that my One Little Word for 2012 is CONNECT. Whether that be in person, on the phone, by Skype or email, I am determined that I will connect in a more meaningful way with my family and friends. Afternoon tea seems like the perfect way to do this!I'm hoping to connect a bit more with my creativity too over the coming weeks and months. I have become so terribly lazy in that part of my life and I think I suffer as a result. No creativity = not being at my best. So I've taken the plunge and signed up for the One Little Word course with the amazing Ali Edwards. A little prompt at the start of the month might be just the thing to get me going. That and the fact that I may or may not have ordered some pretty new scrap goodies this past weekend! Hopefully I will have something to share here in the next couple of weeks, once I get my lazy backside in gear and clear the desk in my study!Apart from all the drama of the past couple of months, the only other thing happening around here is Lego. I know, shocker, right?! I really don't know what to say about the sheer volume of the stuff that has made its way into our house in the last few weeks. I'm sure there are worse things to be accumulating and I am thankful that I'm not having to deal with Barbie and Bratz dolls, but really, at some point this is going to have to stop! The crux of the problem is a small person's obsession and too-close-to-Christmas birthday. And obviously the very clever marketing skills of the people Lego employ. It really is out of my control (this is clearly denial but I'm going to run with it otherwise my parenting skills will be called into serious question by all and sundry.)We have actually added more than 10 new sets of Lego since Christmas, and some of these are huge! On top of that we have doubles from the birthday party that are sitting ominously in the living room, waiting to be taken back to the toy shop and changed for another gigantic set. And then there's the birthday money - how can I make it not morph into more Lego without a 6 year old meltdown? If anyone has any advice I would be glad to hear it! I wonder if you can guess what kind of birthday party we had last weekend? I'll give you a clue...it wasn't Mario and it rhymes with Mego! I was in no small way surprised when I went through my photos for January that they would make an excellent advertising campaign for the aforementioned construction toy company! So I give you January through my lens.Ok, I'll hold my hands up and admit that I secretly rather like the stuff and it's fun to take pictures of. And it stands the test of time and makes my small person beyond happy. Which is the main thing, I guess. Today I spent a blind fortune at Ikea on storage for it all, and rather sadly dismantled the electric train set that Santa brought him only 2 years ago because it has been overshadowed by tiny ninjas and their frightening skeleton and snake-like enemies. If there is to be happiness in this house in the next few months I must embrace it and say "yes" to all proposals of ninja fights! Because those small people matter most of all, and if I don't connect with them now I will surely be sorry tomorrow.I hope you forgive my absence and my rambling. I am so very glad to have the opportunity to connect with anyone who stops by here to read my blog and it would be completely lovely if you felt like sharing how your start to 2012 has been. Or if you could just console me re the Lego!!